A few things about me...

Listening to: nothing
Feeling: mystified
Here are some results from tests that i took about my personality: Left-brainers tend to be logical, analytical and objective, but that doesn't mean stodgy! It just means that you've got a great eye for detail and you use facts to come up with creative solutions for things. Other cool things about left-brained folks: Your mind is built for math and music, and you'd rather remake the rules than break them. No matter what, you're there for your friend! Through good times and bad, you're around with a smile or a Kleenex. You like to burrow in the furthest recesses of the stacks to get your study on. With the added benefit of a staff of librarians to shush slackers, you can get the quiet you crave. Just don't sit near the copy machine! You know when to goof off and when to pay attention -- well, most of the time anyway! You won't be cooking dinner for your teacher anytime soon, but don't be afraid to tell them they're not so bad every once and a while. A little butt-kissing here and there can't hurt... especially towards the end of the semester! Overachiever Good luck fitting all of your achievements and activities on your college applications! Just make sure that everything you do is because you really want to. Working at a frenzied pace to make other people happy is a quick road to burnout. Greek Gods/Goddesses Quiz: 12/12(I love greek mythology, and have a whole collection of books about it!) You don't like to be the center of attention because you're a little bit shy. You hold yourself (and those around you) to higher standards, so you can come off as cranky and irritable. You look before you leap-- being a little cautious when making decisions. You probably never thought there's a celebrity out there who's as independent and headstrong as you, Orlando Bloom is well known for having a solid mind of his own. Just like him, you don't jump on the bandwagon every time a new trend comes along-- there are more important things to be doing. You're the Smooth Star-Date you've got the goods to handle love in the limelight. Of course you know the key to dealing with a star-studded love match-- be calm, collected, and ready for your close-up. With that good head on your shoulders, we wouldn't be surprised if you ended up sharing the spotlight, too. Hello superstar! You've got the style, the moves, and the grooves, which means you need a star who's bright enough to shine along with you. Whether you get Justified with Justin or kick it on the stage with Jenny from the Block, you're always ready for the spotlight. Congratulations! You've got that special something that makes the other sex swoon. You're approachable, but not clingy. You stand up for yourself without being standoffish. And if you're reading this thinking, OK, why am I not dating anyone then? it's probably because your crushes think you're too good to be true! Be patient -- they'll come around eventually. Those are some of my characteristics and what I would do in some situations!!! (*yes they are true. y else would i put them in 'my' diary?!*) Any comments? Ah, yes, I almost forgot one,lol. I am 60% obsessed with Harry Potter books....*cough cough*. LOL! I love the story of harry and I also enjoy the tale of Lord of The Rings. Later! ~Shelle Belle~ ~QOR~ ~QODH~
Read 5 comments
that personality test is kool!! Can i ask where you got it from so i could take it too!! (Spankyou) Well done on the straight A's in your mid terms but thats no surprise!! Ummm.... hope your well and everything, hope to speak to you some time, happy days!!
you be patient and I'll attend.
Hmmmm 'Sex is fun' ...that catches the eye!! But anyways, I'm all good, the start to yet another not too shabby week, although i was scratched by a cat although not on purpose and i was shit scared for a few seconds when a big ass spider was crawling along my arm... so how is everything with you? Hope your well and all and having fun!! laters
Loving you, is easy bcos your beautiful... do de do de do doooo aHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! LOL

How you doing, havn't spoken to you for too long, I'm all good, too tired right now and really thirsty, talk to you later!!
i of course miss you too. my mom has been crying though right now, so i gotta go take care of her, will you be online tomorrow or anything, hope to speak to you soon or sumthing, BIG HUG!!