
Listening to: nothing
Feeling: pouty
Heylo. How are y'all? I am fine, except for the bloody head cold that is currently overtaking my nose! (lol) I received my Geometry quiz back today and got a 52/54 on it, which is an A. Go me! I received a b+ on a biology paper. (i really dont care much for the subject anyway.) Tomorrow I have a biology test...yipee, for me. I am so tired...probably cuz i'm bored...biology does bore me through and through. Enough negatives though! (optimistic = me.) I am reading a book entitled "Peter and the Starcatchers." It's rather fascianting...I reccomend it to everyone who loves to read about adventures. 12 days left of school and then it is Christmas break! Under our Christmas tree is a large present and it is for me! Oh yeah!!! Sorry. I guess I shall return to my biology studying...oh joy. Later. ~Shelle Belle~ ~QOR~
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Well you sound swell!!

I haven't even got my christmas tree up yet... should have it up this weekend though. Then the week after presents will be filling up all underneath it!!

You've done really well on your tests, thats cool!! I need to get on with some homework right now... I'm pretty much behind in all my subjects... but I'll be fine.

Hope you feel better soon, later!
Hey!! I received your letter today!! I forgot all about it and was totally surprised when I saw that it was from you!! I won't be able to send you a reply anytime soon... but I will definitley do it mid next week!!

So how is everything going?
You haven't figured out how to change your age yet have you!!

Go to your preferences and at the top it will have information about you... change your age and the click update which is right underneath all that information about you ....ok!
