Sacred Sins

Listening to: Aladdin
Feeling: hip
Hey, people. Sup? Nothing much here. I just read an article about how they plan on making gay marriages in America illegal. I spit on whoever plans to do that. It's there right to do whatever they want with themselves. The main group of people behind this plot are Christians, obviously. Well, no one should have nothing against their religion or ways of life so they need to stop holding grudges on others. Aren't u suppossed to love thy neighbor? i do believe that is one of God's commandements. They need to stop messin' with everyone's lives and worry about their own salvation. THey don't need to decifer on who people should marry. That is everyone's personal and, as in christianity, their own sin. If someone wants to marry their own gender, then so be it. It's their right, their preference, and their sin. Not yours! So, stop trying to take away their rights. Clearly someone hasn't read the rights of the citizens of America. One may use one's rights , as long as one doesn't take away another's. So, everyone is entitled to their opinion about gaye marriages, but really they can't act politically on them because then they are taking away the rights of the gaye CITIZENS of America, home of the FREE. I have so much more to say on this isssue, but i will subside for now. I took my final exams to day and i have two more tomorrow. That is all. Later. ~Shelle Belle~ ~QOR~
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