Park City!

So I went to Park City today! It was pretty kick ass. I got to snowboard but we didn't that much... I don't think the girls seemed way interested to be hitting the slopes, and then on our third run I dislocated my arm and a rib. It sucked to breathe. The slopes rocked though! I really like that resort, I'm gonna try to go back way soon so that I can board again. And the best part of that whole day..... Just getting to spend time with Kelsey. That girl...... is amazing. Dang. It probably seems like I always have this thing for all these girls and I'm just a little slut, but Kelsey is just so awesome. And she's a helluva lot prettier than I remember, and that's saying a whole freaking lot. I also got a speeding ticket on the freeway for going 15 MPH over! Yay for me and my shity luck! Now I gotta pay for that, but it's worth it, I'm more that happy that I got to spend time with her... I miss you Rin! I love you Resa! Lot's of Love
What Is Your Best Sexual Skill?
Flirting Skill Level - 93%
Kissing Skill Level - 70%
Cudding Skill Level - 80%
Sex Skill Level - 97%
Why They Love You You know how to push their buttons.
Why They Hate You You bite.
This quiz by lady_wintermoon - Taken 1780205 Times.
New - COOL Dating Tips and Romance Advice!
Hell yeah!
Read 10 comments
Hey I see how it is you don't miss me? Heheh it's all good! Glad you had fun boarding... are you still gonna teach me? Well ttyl mauh*
Wwoooooo hitting slopes! and sexual abilities based on your name and randomisation!

BOOOOOOO dislocating...things. eeek.

:( and speeding tickets. but yay for spending time for friends, and fucking YAY for june 11, 7:33 p.m.
hey babes!MUAH! i miss u too!haha, u said u loved the other girl and all i got was an "i miss u rin"..yeah..told ya i loved u more :P,'s ok babe u know im just playin.MUAH!

Lol wow I didn't know I was so missed! Hehe thanks for the comment! Glad you think I'm beautiful! Mauh* ttyl luv!
well, I'm glad you had fun. I still don't know how to snowboard. It's actually quite sad.
I want him to meet you. I talk about you all the time. I saw a sticker on the back of a car that said "Crazy Bitch" and I told him of the time when I screamed at you for pulling upbehind my car and you called me a goddamned psycho wench. :)

I miss you so hard!
I love you!
hehehe i love penguins...
and Steph loves you....hahahaha
Lol it is a friendly out-going lol don't worry be happy MAUH*! Ttyl Tay!