
My sister is actually moving out... that is effing insane. Yay for me though!
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call me.
do you have verizon or t mobile or something else?
Sweet! That means you won't feel all akward when I'm there with your baby girl and that I won't feel as akward just walking around your house.
no more little kids for you! yay....sometimes. uh...yay!

i haven't seen you for a long time. or talked to you now that i think about it.
hello tay!!! Long time no talk! Hope your doing ok! I'm soooo bored! Well take care of yourself! I miss talkin to you!
moving out?? Since when did your sister move in with you??? Oh, and when are me, you, aaron and amy gonna hang out?? HUH?! HUH!?
i remember how happy i was when i knew both my brothers would be gone...i was as giddy as a school girl,hehehe.I miss you Teddy Bear...I'm on eveynight and sometimes in the day..and i just cant seem to ever find u....*starts to cry*

how could i ever stop being ur online girlfriend??? i'd like die without u!!! love u soo much!!! i cant wait till i get to talk to u again!!!miss u so much!!

ur rinnie