
Listening to: TIME WARP.
Feeling: fruity
I feel like a well aged vegetable. Oh, no i'm just joking. I went on vacation with my family and it was quite boring. I went to the casino with my mother and watched my aunt get drunk but that's allright because i'm home alive. I keep on getting these random urges to hang myself from the top story of the house we stayed in, though. I saw a bunch of hicks. My highlight: a couple walking about with a baby in a bag and a tree in a red wagon (like a kids one). Barefoot, holding hands, like 2 teeth each.... PRICELESS. I worked my ass off this week at work and I hope that it's going to pay off. We went to Baton Rouge Tuesday night and it was great, I love free meals that don't involve my family. Let me tell you though: If half the kids at camp were my own, I'd beat them. Simple as that. I hate the way children are such brats. I am such a hypocrite. I keep on having these dreams involving suicide or sudden self inflicted death, if you wish. And dreams have led to urges... and I don't know what'swrong with me. I think I need to party or something, I've been so good all summer I haven't had time for anything else. I hope to quite soon, or I might grow a pulsating "loser sign" on my forehead.
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