
Okay, so I burnt again, and for some reason the shit we bought today tastes like rubber. I love theway my friends make a square unlike the ever common circle. Me Jen Jenna and Al make a perfect square. We noticed that in the smoking section the groups are always circled ranged from small to big: small being more popular and more the big ones being the general population. So you can see why i'm happy being a square. We go oor report cards today I got 73 overall. Yippee. My parents banned me from having friends yesterday because I failed histoire. Fuck histoire! They think taking away my little freedoms will make me want to conform, but they make me even angrier and make em want to piss them off even more. Jens mom's gone away for a week. So thursday, we're going to get together, me her and Jenna. If my mother doesn't let me, i'll kill her. I want to get effed up off school property,heh. Oh yes,and it's Maria's uncles funeral today. My poor baby. <3<3<3 Love. Dana anaD
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71 overall. i got 42 in bio. jesus!