
Listening to: Prodigy-Spitfire
Feeling: angry
I am so pissed right now. Really pissed. Pissed at how stupid we are. How stupid this entire fucking planet is. We are weak. We kill each other with our own fucking poisons, we tear each other apart, we destroy ourselves. You know, words can't explain how stupid I feel we are. We're no better than cattle. Mindless, bumbling on aimlessly, no real purpose. Or at least, no one is trying to find that purpose. So here, I'm going to list out all of the things I think are stupid, idiotic, or ignorant, so that way I can get out all I want to say. 1. War is stupid. Why the fuck do we need to bomb each other??? People are killing each other for a couple fucking pieces of paper. It's idiotic. Pointless. We don't need war. But choose it because humanity is too stupid to simply work things out, just fucking negotiate. Sure, people may think that if someone just stole 2.5 billion dollars then negotiating isn't the best solution, but hey, it's better than killing him. 2. Drugs. This is one of the most stupid, idiotic, ignorant things on this planet. Why take drugs? To get fucking high, to feel good, all the while it's slowly but surely rotting your body away to nothing. And you kill yourself. Once more, your death is not something caused by nature, but by your own fucking self. And what's worse, the people that actually care about you are being torn apart, heartbroken because their "future doctor" is now a fuckin pothead. You just drop so low when you take drugs, from being rich and successful to being homeless and lonely. Drugs do not give you more respect, people don't admire you because you get high, people start to abandon you. Just leave you. Or if they're as stupid as you, they'll want in. And so it spreads. There is so much more I want to say about this, but I don't want to waste any more of my time, knowing that the people who are on some kind of drug and are reading this are gonna pass it off like it's complete bullshit. And I know it. They always do. Okay, those are only two things, there are more, but I'm just so fucking angry right now that my head is going to explode. But damn, I really do feel strongly about frugs. I hate them. There is no chance in hell that you're going to get me to willingly take some kind of drug. If you're reading this right now, and you're taking a drug, please stop.
Read 3 comments
I hate to tell you man, but i was readin the paper the other day...either last year or over this year so far, we've spent 34 BILLION dollars on weapons around the world
Its been mainly third world countrys...
Ok, good, lets buy weapons to kill eachother, rather that use that money to cure diseases, buy houses, and feed the hungry...

The Ever Vigelant
Hey. You're Jordan, right? I'm Sie's friend, Jaren. :-D
Hehehe, ncie to meet you! Ya, Sie told me a lot about you too. I've been wanting to meet you!
