
I got my first driving lesson yesterday. Damn, it was nerve-racking. My brother's in the back seat asking "What's it like? What's it like?" and my mom is screamin "Get away from the curb! Get away from the curb!" Luckily, the place I was driving was completely deserted. Not a single person there. Tons of houses though. It would get all quiet, and then my mom would shout out "LOOK!" and I'd pound the brakes so hard. She was only talking about the damn road sign saying 15 mph and I was going 20. I thought she would trying to show me a baby in the middle of the road or a cliff or something. Haha, I got all upset, but I was okay in the end. *** My favorite food as of this moment is now sushi. *** Also, I befriended the hottest guys (who happen to be brothers) on school campus. Also one of the hottest girls. So now I've got a few hotties with naughty bodies to tend to. ^^ Josh, Matt, and Ciara. Yummy. I've got new hair errbody. Longer hair.
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Hahaha. I wish you could've come too.