
Listening to: reggeton
Feeling: bored
well so im stuck at home doin chores so...cris iz the mall(i cudnt go :()so i hav no1 2 talk yea now im jus surfin ...

Personal Survey

Created by luvlyprincess34 and taken 3926 times on bzoink!

Sexual Encounters and Sexuality:
Are you Straight, Bi, or Gay?str8
(Other than and including sex...)
How many boys have you had experiences with?uhh define experiences...sexualy..uh 3
How many girls have you had experiences with?none in tht way
How many persons total?iuno exactly
Where was your best encounter?tee hee the movies(saw)
Where was your worst encounter?the locker bay (i got a referal)
How old were you when you had your first experience?like 5 or 4(mi moms friends son)
Do you Masturbate?hell no(i no sum1 tht does tho)
(If so) How often?nvr
(If so) How old were you when you first started?n/a
Ever talked about it with a friend?yes
(If so) Ever done it with a friend?no
Do you watch/look at porn?once accidently
(If so) How often?n/a
(If so) What is your source?it waz on mi cpu
What is your opinion on porn?EEEWWWWWWWWWWWWWW
Do you have any STDs?HELL NO (THANK GOD)
(If so) From who/where?n/a
(For Girls)
(For Girls) Ever been to the Gynecologist?no
(If so) How old were you when you first went?n//a
(If so) Why did you first go?n/a
(If so) Do you go regularly?n/a
(If not) Why haven't you gone?cuz im not a hoe an dont hav "those" problems
Do you use birth control?no
How old were you when you first got your period?13
Tampons or Pads?pads
Have you ever had an abotion?no
Self Mutiation:
Have you ever cut yourself?1 time
For what reason?it was an accident
Did you stop or are you still doing it?uh i dont cut miself purposly
Why or Why not?b/c itz stupid an pointless it doesnt solve NEthin
Have you sought any professional help?no
Have you told your parents?hell no
Have you ever had suicidal thoughts?yes
Have you ever tried to commit suicide? How many times?sort of..once
By what method?pills
Have you ever prevented anyone else from committing suicide?yes
Have you sought any professional help?no dont need it
Have you told your parents?hell no..theyd send me 2 da nuthouse
Have you written any suicide notes and given them to the intended person?written them but not given them
Have you ever been caught?no
Have you ever burned yourself on purpose?no
Would you do it again?no even if i do
Did you stop or are you still doing it?omg itz stupid
Why or Why not?see above
(Eating Disorders)
Have you been diagnosed with an eating disorder?nope
Do you display characteristics if you are not diagnosed?i think..cuz i eat alot whn im sad or bored
Have you ever not eaten for a day or longer?yes
What is the longest you've gone without eating?like 2 days
Have you ever taken diet pills?no
Have you ever been addicted to diet pills?hahaha tht wud b funni
Are you still?no i didnt even start
Have you ever binged and purged?wth iz tht?
How old were you when you started to display charecteristics?sumtime in the 8th grade
How old were you when you were diagnosed?n/a
Have you sought professional help?n/a
Have you told your parents?n/a
Have you tried to stop?try 2 stop eating alot? yea
Why or Why not?b/c if i dont ima get fat(lol)
Have you ever done any drugs?no unless sniffin any empty bag of sum white powder shit counts
What drugs have you done?i think the empty bag used 2 hav coke
Have you ever regreted it?sniffin the bag? yes it waz weird
How old were you when you did your first drug?i dont do drugs
Have you stopped or are you still doing them?i dont do drugs
Why or Why not?b/c itz 4 sad ass ppl who hav nuthin better 2 do thn destrot their life
Have you sought professional help?no dont need it
Have you told your parents?no
Have you ever been caught?no
Have you ever lost a friend because of drugs?i think
Are you clean now?yea
How long have you been clean?mi whole life
Thanks for taking the time to do this survey.
It takes alot of bravery to answer these questions honestly.

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