Playmate of the Month

There's not nearly enough talk about me on SitDiaries. People, include me in your entries. Write me notes. etc, you know the drill. Also, I'm single, after nearly two years. Quite sad, aint it? No new boys either. Bah, so boring. Maybe this is why people dont write about me. I write about Sarah sometimes, its cool because it makes her more popular and loved. She should return the favour and compliment me also. SitDiaries is becoming spiffy. Lots of cool functions and what not. Very luxurious. But Scott cant afford it so everyone give him all your money. Give it, and I will let all of you have a bit of a 'Rhia Peep Show'. If any of you are aware, I'm a model and super hot. No, really, I am. Ask Sarah, she also models with me. She got asked to be playmate of the month, but she turned it down because she knew I'd feel left out. She's sweet like that. Ok, enough bullshitting. I have uni and I must preen myself to look pretty. Cheerio
Read 10 comments
I know how hot you are.

I am right outside your window.

ok that note from kate was quite scary!

i can't believe you broke up with mark...when are we going to talk again? we NEED to!

i'd write about you, but i didn't think you came on here often enough to appreciate it :P

--looooooooove, ellina :)
please stop trying to get me to have sex with you everyday.

rhia, please, try an alternative approach.

:] i wrote about youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.
god, im so cool.
i WISH my body was good enough to be naked in front of people. pff.

// primarily a female gendered conversation--allow my unrivaled idiocy to break this congregation of women / words of physical hate and disgust (if at all, it is such) should never be tolerated if you are humble enough to notice your flaws [of women and their male counterparts] / i'm sure you ladies are remarkeable // good day - dan -
// ...and a hello to you, specifically, rhia // - dan -
Yeah, so...hey! You followed my advice! Okay, now I'm going to write about how smart you are in my entry. Okay? Watch, here we go! Wheeeeeee!!!
you seem to be very full of yourself...flaunting yourself like that really necessary? ew. your face might hold possesion in this world, but what about your personality? doesnt that matter anymore? each to their own...if you want to degrade yourself, you go for it.
Don't you love it when people understand humour? But then, maybe it's an anonymous thing. They seem to have their own race, or something.

I am laughing at the girl who thought you were falunting your model self in this entry.
