seduce the plumber

I had this huge entry all written and then it decided to delete itself. My kitten pissed on my nice new pants, BRILLIANT. Also, I don't have many clean clothes because the shower is dripping and so to save water we've turned off the water system (meaning the washing machine is not useable). Ah, the plumber has arrived. Now he's gone. He fixed the shower. I like him. Now I can wash some clothes. If I had only three things that would make me happy for the rest of my life they would be - malibu cream shakes with baileys, unlimited sex and a neverending supply of vinyl. end. -- update: im so pissed off with my cat I'm getting him desexed. Its payback time, off with his balls. =]
Read 13 comments
unlimited sex = good.

VERY good.

(i like sex. a lot.)

mmmm baby I agree

=) love times infinity
That sounds like an awesome awesome list for happiness.

Have a great day.

jealousy is the common cause of cancer. jealousy sucks. :(
sorry i didnt put that as signed note..
Oh God, this is so funny. Poor cat!!! Mine's reveange over me for getting his balls cut off was to throw up all over the floor... *sob*!
heyhey you.

i've got a job makin' da' mad cash.

check it--i'm staying up tonight, i'll see you online, lest you party this weekend. me know not what your plans are.

anyway, you are sexxxy. later!

ahahaha! i'm sorry, i don't mean to laugh...but it's a tad bit funny...the cat thing i mean. my cats are complete psycho's but i won't get into that right now. ANYways, thanks for the note - your totally right, the people at fod are just really, really angry people. lol. hope to hear from you again sometime...and good luck cleaning those pants of yours. *wink*dOrkilicious
you're too popular with summermarie's on here.

it makes me feel weird about talking to you.

woo hoo!
no more balls, no more balls!

dahling, you didn't know?

urban cowgirls with curly hair tend to be in style this time of year.

it's, like, so the rage.

OMG fireworks for meeee!!

i looove you babe!

hey, kai's getting online, so i'll see you later, babe!
