I must ask, kind internet: What's the fucking point?

So I haven't touched this thing in quite some time. The main reason has been baseball. Pretty fucking big time sink if you ask me. Every afternoon spent in tight pants and long sleeves running around working my ass off to pretend to be good at this silly game-- all for what? Sit down in the bullpen and watch my team lose, game after game? It hurts even more when we lose because the dumbass they put behind the plate can't block worth shit and the go-ahead run scores on a pass ball. Whatever. In other news, I'm 19!... I like my emotional use of punctuation. Whatever. What. The fuck. Ever. Meanwhile, I'm running myself into debt for school. I'm barely able to keep my head above the water in Calculus and get decent enough grades for any sort of financial aid-- but that's not gonna happen. Not at all. Not at all. Rayni moves down at the end of the week. I can't wait to start seeing her every day again... It'll be like highschool, only we'll know the other exists. There should be lots of "good morning, beautiful" days in my future. Anyways, I have to go now. time to smack some baseballs around and watch as the last four years repeats itself again: I work my ass off and watch my heart get broken by this stupid game, again. Fuck this fucking game. Good day.
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Oh hey a new entry.
Write more often.