So I watch

It's entertaining to watch people. Currently I'm on the second floor of the Pub building at Clark, waiting for the remaining 2 hours for the club committee meeting to start. Normally I'd use this time to complete homework, but it turns out I don't have any! Lame. It also turns out this where the social outcasts have congregated and found their own family. There's a girl who was in my writing class last year-- she seems the most normal. Then there's the mostly attractive girl who speaks of nothing but her parent's meth problems and incestuous tendencies. They walk back and forth together, migrating from group to group. I think the one recognizes me, but we'll see. Across from me is the daily Magic game. Either the players are really good, and know how to make games last, or they suck and don't know how to end games. It' shard to tell. Scattered throughout are people like me, getting their homework done before they have to be somewhere. But I don't have any homework. So I watch. It looks like I'm the only one here who's bathed today.
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