I have no idea why I do this to myself

I meet this girl-- we'll call her S-D -- at work and she's a very cool, cute, smart, powerful young lady. We flirt incessantly, but I very quickly found out that she's engaged. So naturally, I fell for her pretty fast. While we're pretty touchy-feely when we hang out, it's our text messages that are the steamiest. Last night we detailed to each other the removal of everything from the waste-up, before it was 1-am and we had to sleep. We've *talked* about not carrying anything other than hugs and minor cuddling into real life, as that would "cross the line" (to use S-D's words). But... it's only a matter of time before one of us gives in. But here's the thing. It's sort of a catch-22: If I put a move on her, and she cheats on her faince, I probably get her *now* but we wont' be able to trust each other in the long run. But if I don't go for it, I may never know what it's like to be with her. I'll be forced to stand by and wait for either her or her fiance to fuck up their relationship-- it's the only way I'd be able to have her to myself and be able to trust her in the long-run. Or is it? What do you think, fair internet?
Read 3 comments
Ask her if she loves you!
I think that you shouldn't put her into compromising situations. Such conversations via text ARE pretty compromising. I don't see how you would trust her anyway by now if her relationship was ruined WITHOUT you in it-- because who is to say that you (or her) won't be cyber- s-texting with another person before the day is over?

And I am not going to say anything more on this subject. Then again, my opinions don't often count. Feel free to disregard.
you're a dick
[Anonymous (]