i stoled this survay and it took a long time to do

---------------WHAT IS------------------ [x] Your most overused phrase on aim:"psh! whatever!!" [x] Your thoughts first waking up: "ugh... i dont want tp go to school, i dont want to get up!!" [x] The first feature you notice in the opposite sex: physical? their hands [x] Your bedtime: between 9-12 [x] Your most missed memory:my friends from LA ------------IN THE PAST MONTH DID / HAVE YOU-------------- [x] Gone to the mall: no [x] Eaten sushi: *drools* YES! [x] Been on stage:yup today this morining in drama class [x] Been dumped: Nope [x] Gone surfing:yup [x] Made homemade cookies:yup [x] Dyed your hair: Yes -----------------HAVE YOU EVER------------------ [x] Flown on a plane: yup.. to my uncles wedding when i was in 6th grade [x] Missed school because it was raining?: no [x] Cried during a Movie?: not that i can recall [x] Ever thought an animated character was hot?: yea... isnt that normal? [x] Had an imaginary friend: whoa!!! whoawhoa!!uhhh.......whats that? [x] Cut your hair: uh yea!! [x] Had a crush on a teacher?:OH YEA!!.. *sighs* MR. GENZ!!!!(8th grade science teacher) [x] Been caught "doing something": uhh.. um.. the verdict if out... [x] Been called a tease: hahaha yea by julian! [x] Gotten beaten up?: nope [x] Been in a fight:yea -----------------THE FUTURE------------------ [x]Can you see yourself marrying someone you already know: yea mi amor [x] Age you hope to be married: 26 [x] Numbers of Children:2-3 [x] Descibe your Dream Wedding:at the dock of the peir or in the forest or at the graveyead...i dunno someplace EXOTIC!! [x] How do you want to die?: of old age [x] What do you want to be when you grow up?:Actress, or a computer graphics designer [x] What country would you most like to visit?: europe, paris, england, -----------------OPPOSITE SEX------------------ [x] Best eye color: brown [x] Best hair color:black, blue, something crazy like i guess [x] Short or long hair: long is sorta sexy >< [x] Best height:someone taller than me [x] Best weight: average [x] Best first date location:arcade or movies [x] Best first kiss location: car hehe >< i dunno -----------------NUMBER OF----------------- [x] Number of people I could trust with my life: 4-5 [x] Number of CDs that I own: TOO MANY TO COUNT!!!!!! [x] Number of piercings: 2 for now [x] Number of tattoos: 0 [x] Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper? coulpe of time hheehe mostly becuase of the schools newspaper :) [x] Number of scars on my body: WAY TO MUCH!! [x] Number of things in my past that I regret: so many and yea not enough ----------------RIGHT NOW ------------------ [x] Right Now Wearing: underwear, bra, jeans, socks, shirt and a sweater x] Drinking: CoFfEe!! [x] Thinking about: the next question and Julian [x] Listening to: my tv ---------------IN THE LAST 24 HRS------------------ [x] Cried: no [x] Worn jeans: Yes [x] Done laundry: no [x] Drove a car: no ---------------DO YOU BELIEVE IN-------------- [x] Ghosts: yes [x] Destiny/Fate:sorta [x] Angels: no not really [x] UFO's:WOAH!! MAN DID YOU SEE THAT UFO!! IT JUST FLEW PAST HERE!! [x] God: no ------------FRIENDS AND LIFE------------------ [x] Do you ever wish you had another name?: FUCK YES!! GAWD TO MANY PEOPLE W/ MY NAME [x] Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend?: Yes [x] Do you like anyone?: as friends yes [x] Which one of your friends acts the most like you?: none of them..im the one who acts like them..lol [x] Are you close to any family member?: HAHAHA *crying* haha thats a good one!! [x] What's the best feeling in the world?: not feeling anything is the best [x] Worst Feeling?: feeling [x] What time is it now?: 6:14pm and then... If I were a month I would be: August If I were a day of the week I would be: friadys or saturdays If I were a time of day I would be: 5-7 pm If I were a planet I would be: pluto If I were a sea animal I would be: seahorse, or a memaid If I were a direction I would be: east If I were a piece of furniture I would be: the picture you put up so you can just ignore me as you walk by me If I were a historical figure I would be: dead If I were a liquid I would be: wine cooler or vodka If I were a stone I would be: thrown at people If I were a tree I would be: dead one If I were a bird I would be: eaten by a cat If I were a flower I would be: A Black rose that bleeds If I were a mythical creature I would be: vampire If I were a musical instrument I would be: drums If I were a reptile I would be: a reptile duh!! If I were a color I would be: bruse If I were an emotion I would be: mixed If I were a sound I would be: a nuculear warhead If I were an element I would be: Water If I were a song I would be: a shooting star that destroyed us all by A stattic lullaby If I were a movie I would be: Empire Records or Breakfast club If I were a book I would be: cut or ginger bread If I were a food I would be: sushi If I were a place I would be: graveyard If I were a material I would be: silk If I were a taste I would be: jones berry lemondade If I were a scent I would be: a rose If I were an article of clothing I would be: a bra, because im suprotive... If I were a certain part of the body I would be: ...the neck If I were a facial expression I would be: smile If I were a subject in school I would be: drama or computer graphics If I were a number I would be: 9 and then... 01. name: Jessica 02. single or taken: taken 03. sex: female 04. bday: JULY 4th 05. sign: cancer 06. siblings: Andrew 07. hair color: red/brown/black 08. eye color: Brown 09. shoe size: 9 10. height: 5'4 relationships 01. who are your best friends?: Patty, gladys, ashley 02. do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: yesssss fashion | stuff 01. where is your favorite place to shop: thrift store 02. any tattoos or piercings: no/yes specifics 01. do you do drugs?: No 02. what kind of shampoo do you use?: store product.. its cheaper :) 03. what are you most scared of?: losing Julian 04. what are you listening to right now?: television 05. who is the last person that called you?:my dad, so he could pick me up from school 06. where do you want to get married?: exotic place 07. what would you change about yourself?: my esteem favorites 01. color: red, green, dark blue, black 02. boys' names:bam, reese. cory, dameon, and ricky 03. girls' names:liz, beth, 04. subjects in school: drama 05. sports: swimming have | you | ever 01. given anyone a bath?: my bro when he was a baby and my doggie 02. smoked?: yes and i regret it 04. made yourself throw up?: yes. 05. skinny dipped?: no 06: ever been in love?: Yes 07. pictured your crush naked?: yea 08. cried when someone died?: no 09. lied: yup 10. fallen for your best friend?: yes and that basterd was Ricardo Ibarra 11. used someone?: no 12. done something you regret?: smoked current 01. clothes: jeans, shirt.. 02. make-up: eyeliner. blue mascera 03. annoyance: mr hall, my mom 04. smell: melon and cucumber 05. favorite artist: dont have one 06. favorite group: Group? jack off jill, slipknot, static lullaby 07. book you're reading: little rock school desegration crisis 08. dvd in player: that 70's show season 1 09. color of toenails: Blackish purple do | you | ever 01. sit on the internet all night waiting for that someone special to IM you?: no b/c he gots no internet so i wait for his call 02. save conversations: i cant :( are | you 01. understanding: I try to be 02. open-minded: Yea 03. arrogant: no 04. insecure:i dunno 05. interesting: I guess 06. random: yup 07. hungry: LOOK THE HUNGERY HUNGERY HIPPOS ARE DANCING!! 08. smart: haha thats really funny.. 10. hard working: i dunno 11. organized: No 12. healthy: sorta 13. shy: most of the time 14. difficult:if you make it difficult 15. attractive: Julian says i am but i say im not 16. bored easily:YES! 17. messy: OH...... YEA!!!! 18. responsible: most of the time 19. obsessed: nope 20. happy: at times 21. hyper: depends when im hyper 22. trusting: yea people trust me who | do | you | wanna 01. kill?: Carmen 02. get really wasted with?: No one.. 03. get high with: life 05. talk to online: my friends 06. sex it up with: heh ..hehhe random 01. in the morning i am: tired. 02. love is: heart breaking 03. i dream about: werid random thing 04. sexual preference: Julian which | is | better 01. coke or pepsi: niether..dark coke makes me gag 02. flowers or candy: BOTH!! 03. tall or short: Tall.. opposite | sex 01. what do you notice first: their arms and hands 02. last person you slow danced with: at school w/ Julian 03. worst question to ask: i dunno
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