Believe Me

I'm taking three institute classes this fall semester. And I'm not even in college. Lectures on Faith on Tuesdays, Writings and Memoirs of Joseph Smith on Wednesdays, and Teachings of the Living Prophets on Thursdays. Pretty sweet. My schedule is packed with church stuff. In other news, I still can't feel much in my middle finger. I guess I must've got it pretty good. I cut through all the muscle and obviously a few nerves. I think I got all the way down to the bone. I had my stitches removed yesterday and I can tell that there's going to be some pretty crazy scaring when it fully heals. Can't wait to see it. I borrowed Randy's One-X CD. The song Over and Over kind of reminds me of myself. However, I really like Gone Forever. In addition, Get Out Alive is what I should've listened to before I got serious with her. Every one is pressuring me to go on my mission as soon as possible. Believe me, I want to, but I just want to wait a few months. I still feel like I need to prepare more, and strengthen my faith. I guess that's why I'm taking all these classes. "Faith comes by hearing the word of God." I can say that's true. Between institute and serious studying, my faith has definitely increased. I really really really need to ask out a girl. I need to get my mind off things. I would like to ask Kiley. After that, I don't really know. I just need to go on a date. But then that creates another problem: what do I do for a date? Ice skating, corn maze, dinner & movie, or something completely different. I don't really know. I'm debating whether or not I should go to this mission reunion with Shanna. I mean, she's 23, and I'm only 18. Actually, I think it would be really funny. I guess I should brush up on my Spanish because it's the Argentina Buenos Aires mission. I typed pretty well with this finger. I hope I regain feeling in it soon. It's very disturbing not being able to feel it. Whenever I bump it, the nerves tingle like crazy. Who is she?
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