

Created by adoyle06 and taken 1044 times on Bzoink

My full name is...Simone Nicole Hesselberg
My birthday is on...January 12th
My hair color is...Mousey brown but I dye it red
My eye color is...Greeny grey
My birthstone is...Garnet
My favorite month is...Septmeber
My favorite season is...Autumn
My favorite sport is...Swimming
My favorite hobby is...Playing guitar
My favorite color is...Lime green
I have (this number of) siblings; they are...1 brother, Lloyd..
My favorite animal is...Dunno
My favorite song is...Too many to name
My favorite superhero is...Spiderman
~*Do You...*~
...smoke?Not anymore
...drink alcohol?Hardly ever
...party a lot?Nah
...plan to have an education after high school? If so, what major(s)?I wanna go to college and probs Uni
...like to talk way too much?Yup
...like to swim?Yeah
...enjoy mudwrestling as a hobby?No.....
...still find cartoons amusing?Yeah!
...play with bubble wrap often?Yeah
...have a job?Nope
...always speak with correct grammar?Yeah lol =p
...know correct grammar?Erm......yeah
...have a crush on someone? If so, who?Hmm, Jake and -
...have a favorite Sesame Street character?Elmo, duh + Big bird
~*Can I...*~
...ride a bicycle?Yeah...
...drive an automobile?No
...drive an automobile well?-
...moonwalk?Sort of
...play an instrument? If so, which one(s)?Guitar
...walk a tight-rope?No..
...multi-task?Im a girl..duh
...hold my breath for over 2 minutes?No
...hold my academics to a high standard?Yeah
My nicknames are...Dont have any, I suck
I live with...My mom, brother and stepdad
My age is...12
I want to be a(n) ______ when I grow up.Musician or a makeup artist thingy
Animals are...Cute :D
My favorite day of the week is...Friday + Sunday
Tinky Winky the Teletubby is...Gay
I am an (inside/outside) person.Both
My personality, in less than 10 words, would be...Im wierd, funny and odd :D (5)
I take _____ (baths/showers/both/neither).Baths (our shower is dead)
I think school is...Okay
My favorite style(s) of music is/are...Rock
My family is...Strange
I don't like mariachi bands...okay, that's not a question, but you know...Whatever...
~*Yes or No?*~
I like politics.No
Cheerleading is a sport.NO
I eat turkey on Thanksgiving.No
I sleep after I eat turkey on Thanksgiving.No
I get drunk on New Year's Eve.No
I am Christian.NOO
My name is Christian.I have a mate called Kristian :)
Mondays can be good.NOOO
I wake up as soon as my alarm goes off...the first time.No
I would travel in outer space (even with the risks) if requested to.Maybe
I would spare someone's life (even a stranger) with my own.Depends
I was/am a Girl Scout/Cub Scout.No
I like cheese.YEAH
I've been out of the country before.Yeah
I live in a mansion.No :(
I am afraid of heights.No
I am a virgin.Yeah
I curse often.Yeah :)
I can tie my own shoes.No...lol, yeah
Sedentary activities are the best.Hmm..
I am a U.S. citizen.Nope
I've taken a collegiate test (ACT/SAT).Erm...
If yes on previous question:I scored at or above a 50th percentile.
I can dress myself.Yeah, i think so
When the electricity goes out, I end up dressing with two different shoes.No
I know binary code.Used to
I like school.Ish
I wear glasses.No
I wear contacts.No
I have/had braces.Need 'em
I have broken a limb before.No
I appreciate the arts.Yeah
Disney movies are cool.YEAH!!!
I sometimes read the dictionary for fun.Yeah :(
I exercise philanthropic skills in life. (I am kind to everyonel.):S
I am THE GOAT!..
I like the song "YMCA".NO
I am optimisticDepends
I am tired of this survey.Ish

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Read 4 comments

yer not a U.S. citizen?? where do you live then?? by the way, we're not all that different

Haha okay thanks so whats up I'm bored as fuck.

Aww that sucks. I'm at school...
