
Listening to: None
Feeling: headachy
God, I hate people who say they hate you when they don't even know you. These year 10's at school (friends of Chris and them) keep calling me a poser because they thought I said I was green days biggest fan (which I never did!) and I have 2 green day albums, big whoop. They also say I treat Chris shit when I do. I haven't even bloody spoken to him since Monday night for fuck sake! Oh well... Yesturday was fucked up and I don't even wanna remember anymore. I like Jem, I really do. But he has a girlfriend. I still like Chris LOADS aswell so thats getting me down too so right now, Im very confused and dont know what to bloody do!!! Meh, gonna go watch Donnie Darko again..woo ¬¬
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my advice...

follow your heart.
ooo my advise 4get chris he has a baaaaalllllllllllloooooooooooooooooooooooooooon head =D much love lil one
my deepest sympathy... by the way, i like your layout!

4 get that monkey boy, forget and as razz said he has a balloon head, lol i havent even seen his head lol wierd hehe wow this is getting wierd now.....awkward....yeah.....awkward