
Listening to: Plecebo
Feeling: tenacious
Fuck, ok so just seen an ad for a TV serise, extream make over. Its balls, all these TV programs and ads selling faulse prettiness, makes me wanna blow chunks. OMG, all this crap like plastic surgry, damn. Our world has been reduced to a race to perfection, balls. Just look @ buddy holly, ugly fukker but he made it big time. Stephen Fry, bob hoskins, robert deniro, rob zombie, dan aykroyd, areatha franklin, these ppl are not steryotically perfect, but they made the big time w/ what?? Tallent. They worked hard, sweat and blood. Who cares if they r not hot or have the best arse. They are amasing. Sigh, what can one english kid w/ a big mouth do cept share his opinion. DOWN WITH BULLYS!! Cioa Babes
Read 6 comments
i agree with you. our entire society has completely changed because now we can change ourselves to be perfect. but then when everyone's perfect, doesnt that also mean that nobody is? anyway, i am sam sounds like a pretty good movie. i might like it. lol.
haha yes, and congrats you spelled browsing right!But IF were getting technical you have tons of mistakes in this entry id glady proofread through for you ha.

Extreme makeover, yea its been in the States for a while..its sad that society has come to this but, the show is addicting, a guilty pleasure of mine. The people become so happy and changed by the end, but how long is that above the surface satisfaction gonna last..cant be so sure?
mostly post hardcore, indie, some hardcore, great.
hey hey, thanks for your addy. i shall delete it from my comments list so yuou don't get too many people adding you...umm, yeah, dunno what else to say!
just read this entry - totally agree with it like! 100%
that extreme makeover thing looks wonderful *rolls eyes* did you see that Make Me Beautiful thing? weird that people have to think about the outside and not what's inside...

anyways, thanks for the goodluck thing =) i hope i do okay... and yea, cwk does suck anus... or blows monkey chunks as you say =P
