The Story of the Tall Alligator

Feeling: happy
It all started on Mikes Birthday when we were telling stories about stuff. Joe is telling his story and at the same time introduces me to a great guy. This particular individual is known to us all as the Tall Alligator. He is the goofiest character you will ever see. He has HUGE yellow glasses and a red bowtie. That night we all went bowling and he hung out with us. It was the best thing ever. He seemed to be the highlight of the night. Then we ran into his friend the Eskimo. He was like, "Hey wanna party it up in my igloo?" We were all no way all of us are gonna fit. The Eskimo was all, "Dudes. The Tall Alligator is in there." After that we were all thinkin if the tall alligator can party in there we can all party it up. So we were all goin crazy having a good time then I ask to try on the Tall Alligator's glasses. I put them on and i fell over because them glasses were huge. It was spectacular. -If you accually read this story, congrats and i love you. you should really meet these guys though. wait till i tell you about the square armadillo.
Read 11 comments
a square armidillo?

no wayyyy!

do you have a smiling kangaroo too?

smiles for miles-kim
i wuv u.

x 32434234 plus one.
i can't believe you don't like the OC.

just watch it and you fall in love.

trust me.
haha i know. we need to start that up again. good luck with the 3.0 i love you josh. :)
i like the colors! very nice
nice colors. bad story. jk. its not bad, just not as good as mine and paul's. ilove you dude.
josh what was with the "hey effer give me back whatever you have that is mine" thing...u know u still have two of my cd' has been a mutual forgetting, but tomorrow...ill remember, im writing it down so i will bring them...but ya what was with hey effer give me back what u have that is mine..u pissed at me or something?
damn you... i wanna meet the alligator.. it would be funny to put the glasses on my DOG.. her name's buffy and shes a cocker spaniel. still.. looking buff in that picture.. thats why you have it huh
o man. that was just weird. hahahaha.
you forgot to tell about how hairy the eskimo was!!! or at least thats what you told me... hmm josh i really dont get that though, was the crocodile really a person? i am so lost... well i love you anyway <3
ahahahhaha "it was totallu an accident" aahahahaha i love you!! and im sure it was you rule