Current Events

Well there is a lot goin on right now. Valentines Day is coming up this weekend. Don't really got anything planned I dont think. Lots of people are goin to the beach so I might attend. Just got to find someone who wants to go with me. Any girls out there, I still don't have a valentine so just informing you. My birthday is next week. Thats awsome. I hope I get everything I need for my new bass. That is all I want. I will be a happy camper if that happens. Maybe some icecream cake too. That always makes a birthday special. School is incredibly busy. All of my classes are being dumb and giving work. So that sux. There are tons of shows in the next few months that I want to go to. Its nuts. I dont feel like naming all of them so I'm not going to. I love you
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i am a valentines day loner! WOO HOO
yeah ill probably sleep the day away. but i hope you have fun, and id offer to attend with you, but i kinda live far away. haha

yeah anyways..whens ur birthday? so many people have birthdays in february!! i have no by march im gunna have -$$

hahah. have a good valentines day though. :) bye