
Scarlet dusk brings wasted sun While lonesome nights created fun For all the sick and lifeless mass Its joy was never meant to last At least deceased upon its throne At last its peace forever known To lose a final kiss grown numb It's hard to tell who you've become For now I'll wait to feel it's breath Turn hairs on end and whisper death Unspoken lies, though always there Will break my heart beyond repair
Read 2 comments
thank you alot for that advice. it made me think more positive about things. =]

[Anonymous]'re too good. very deep. lol...yeah, doesn't it suck to be shy around the opposite sex? it just doesn't work so well. that is until your best friend sets you up w/ her bf's best friend:D lol. well i hope things go better for you in that dept. and if they aren't now then they will soon. take care & God bless! *manda*