victory and defeat

It's strange how something that was written out of fantasy in the past can somehow catch up to you in the future and become an unwanted reality. I remember writing the song after associating her poise and natural beauty with the atmosphere of the coming Spring. Knowing that she could evoke such feelings from such an apathetic and oblivious little boy made me understand how special she must have been. Up until this point in my life, I had never experienced genuine feelings of love... but for some reason, she unknowingly led me through an unexplored element of my emotions and stimulated feelings that I am still incapable of defining. Back then, it seemed so insanely simple: I loved her, and that is all that I needed to know. Sadly she was two grades ahead of me, making it very difficult to associate with her. Therefore, I was always extremely nervous and intimidated around her. I even felt somewhat discouraged by the raw beauty that she excluded in sweeping waves. I felt that I could never be good enough for someone who possessed such perfection. However, when we talked there was always a genuine connection. We shared somewhat common personalities and even retained almost the exact same sense of humor. She came over to my house once, and I couldn't believe it... especially because it was her idea. But just as the cruel fate started bringing us closer together, her departure for college tore us immediately apart. I wrote the song for her and never said anything about it to anyone. Everytime we played it live at a show, I would think of her. I doubt she ever felt the same way as me before leaving... but if she did, then I wish she would have said something. This sense of unknowing and dwelling on what could have been just made it that much harder to say goodbye.
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Hey Andy, Just as I got to enjoy your story thinking this was gonna be 'happily ever after' (and connecting with your story quite well), I read about your
Life's one interesting journey, eh?
Well (i believe that) the Lord does everything for a we'll have to see if your happy ever after comes true...and if my stories will even be enough to captivate a random-sitdiary-homepage reader like myself. Write me if u want :-D