[29] Dear you, Three

Listening to: My heart
Feeling: broken

In all honesty, I knew I'd be writing to you again soon, I just hoped I wouldn't have to.

I'm not even sure what to tell you now. I thought I had covered the basics in the last few entries. I'm not sure myself anymore. I know you don't want to hear that now, You want me to lean on, but Dear, we all can't be strong all of the time. I've tried to be strong for you for long enough, it's time for you to be strong for yourself. I know it will be hard at first. Waking up hoping for that smile your used to feeling, but instead there's pain. I know the feeling, I honestly do.

What do you want to come from this? Do you want to wake up every morning feeling like shit and not wanting to move on with your life or do you want to over come this and look at every day as a new start? I wish I knew what to tell you, but I can only tell you what I would do, and that's to move on. Life will always throw good and bad things at you, you have to learn to ignore the bad and embrace the good. Life gives you what you make of it. What are you making? fuck if I know, but something good will come from all of this, I promise you that.

I think you may be a little over your head on this one. You're trying so hard to be an adult about everything. You're more adult than most people I have ever come in contact with. I've done some... research you could say, and I have seen that the people that try and be in control all of the time and have every detail planned out, are the one's who crash hard in the end. I've seen you crash before, it's not a pretty sight. You always try so hard to be strong for everyone but yourself. You're a wonderful person. You're nice to everyone. You put other people before yourself, I've seen it. When are you going to start doing the things that make you happy? No one can make you happy unil you've learned to make yourself happy. Go out in the world and learn.

Depending on how well you are doing, I might be in touch again soon. Lets hope not.

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