I am everything you need

Listening to: Longwave - Tidal Wave
Feeling: relieved
So this weekend was pretty fun. Vicky's movie marathon was pretty awesome. Work wasn't so bad. Dance Saturday and tonight were fun. Man I love to dance. It's awesome. Ok but today, Monday, was not that very good of a day. I am suffering from a lack of sleep and I'm kinda bummed about not going white water rafting. That's one of the things on my list of things to do before I die list. That along with bungee jumping, cliff diving, going to Europe and Japan, and having kids, among other things. But I can't worry about that now. I've got to think about finding a date to prom. I wish Craig was going still. But i totally understand his whole situation, and I'm not blaming him at all, but I know he would have been fun to go with. He's a really cool guy. So now I have to find someone new. I have two options and I don't know what to do. I know I would have fun with either but I'm too chicken when it comes to guys. I wish I wouldn't have to do the asking. I hate rejection. Who doesn't? But practice today made me feel acconplished today, we haven't had a hard workout in such a long time. Yeah, then dance. I love that class. Then I came home and now I'm here. So that's what's been going on with me lately, since I know that all of you were interested. And by all of you I mean Briana and Eileen, and occasionally Jenn and Bobert. But I love all you guys like none other, and I hope tomorrow will be a good day. Actually scratch that, I think I have to swim.
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Don't stress about not finding a date, i promise you will. and craig still might go. also, you did awesome in practice, you worked real hard and i'm proud of you. thanks for your help lately with math and high jump and everything. i love you tons!
