what i need is a good defense

Listening to: howie day
Feeling: punky
so i saw this and i thought it was really cute but i didn't know where to put it. so i'm putting it here: im 99% sure that you don't like me but it's that 1% that keeps me hanging on so, moving on. i randomly decided to write about myself. why you ask? i don't know, i just felt compelled. i am kristen. i love macaroni and cheese. greatest food ever. i love thunderstorms A LOT. not sure why, rain is good too. my friends dominate. track, both indoor and outdoor, are amazing. i love dancing. i love rollercoasters with a passion. i am not a huge fan of chocolate. but give me any sort of hard candy and i will love you forever. i tend to tell people i hate them, but i'm kidding, i don't really hate them. it's just an impulse. music is awesome, all sorts. i love to talk. i do it very often. i get in trouble for talking to much on a regualr basis. but it's only because i have a lot to say. cookie cake is awesome. i love to travel, even if it's only to canada. i love road trips. i've never been on an airplane and don't plan to for a while. i read, a lot. especially books and magazines. i get mad at weird things. i try not to hold grudges. i can balance on one foot for a really long time. i dance in my basement when no one is looking. i love action movies. and suspense. i pretend i can sing well. i write in this quite often. i can get really emotional and i've been called sensitive. i'm afraid of rejection and that's stopped me on more than one occasion. i can't stand liars and being left in the dark. i'm a hardworker. i haven't been accepted into college yet and i'm really afraid that i won't get in. applying to only two schools may not have been such a good idea. i love to sleep in, even though i can't seem to do it. sleeping in for me is about 9-9:30. oh well. well that's it for now. to reiterate, my friends dominate.
Read 2 comments
haha wahoo! that was awesome! i heart updates! :-)
wow! that was pretty much awesome! and i really liked the 99% and 1% thing, it was cute!

but u totally jammed a toooonnnn of stuff into one tiny paragraph...i dont think i would be able to do that! but yeah mannn totally pumped to the max about rhode island! whheeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!! :-D