spring break!

Feeling: bonkers
so kids, i'm going to try and reacp my spring break. that might be a little hard cause i don't really remember what happened the whole time. whatev, here we go: thursday night i worked, big fun. friday i didn't do too much. i stayed around the house for the most part. that night i think i did something, oh i went to dance. it was cool cause they only people who showed up were me and tiff. so we did our own thing really. i can't remember if i did anything afterwards. think afterwards my mom and i went shopping. yeah, i got some new shoes, a shirt and jeans. saturday i slept in i think. oh wait, i had to work at 11. i worked at day. 11-7. then i think i hung out with kc, scott, and katie. we rode around webster at night and did some stuff that is probably illegal. oh well. sunday was easter. some family came over here and we had dinner. i vacuumed out my car that day. it was kinda dirty. and floury. monday we had practice. 9 in the morning. i was dying. not to many people were in town, or if they were,not many people showed up. maybe at the most 20 people. but that's a stretch. afterwards i think i just hung with danielle the rest of te day. tuesday i went to practice, even though their wasn't any. i had some good quality time to long jump and hurdle. it was a good time. they afternoon i went to the mall. bought some more shirts and a new necklace to match my prom dress, which i picked up on saturday (i forgot to mention that). and since i was their i visited bobby. i miss him a bunch. his brother was having some sort of party at their friends house so we went along for a bit. it was weird, i have never been to a party that was during the middle of the afternoon. but whatev, it was fun. i didn't stay long and when i came home i think we went out to dinner, but i don't remember. i filled out all the paperwork syracuse requires and sent them a check. yup kids, i'm going to syracuse next year. wednesday was practice. my alarm clock never went off and i ended up going late, like at 10. but i stayed arounf afterwards to workout in the weight room. wednesday night i worked. it wasn't too bad. thurday i went to practice again, even though their wasn't any. i worked on shot put. the coach that was their was helping me out a little. he gave me some helpful pointers. afterwards brian, kc, scott, andrew and i went to breakfast at golden boys. then we visited andrew mom at work. then went back to andrews house so he could let the exterminator in. he has ants, lot of them. then we went to brian's dad's house and watched some television. and then went to kc's house and played DDR. love that games. and finally we decided to go to dewitt and hit some golf balls. let me tell you, i suck at golf. but scott was a good teacher and helped me out a bunch. that night i did absolutely nothing. it was awesome. i haven't been home of a thursday night since before christmas. i always work. friday was practice again. and then the weight room. and then scott and kc came with me to pick up my dance costume from linda, the tailor. then scott came to my house and helped me with my yardwork. what a nice boys his is. then i took him home and mowed my lawn with our new lawn mower that i put together. it went quick. when i finished, and was showered, i went to kc's and me, him, scott, katie, brian, and andrew went to durand eastman park and threw the frisbee around. it was kinda cold, but still fun. i worked on my homework that day too. saturday i worked from 9-4. then went home, did some stuff, made dinner, then went to eileen's to hang with her and brittany deane. we did pretty much nothing, but we played more DDR. again, i love that game. then kc called me up and was like we're (him, scott and katie) at wegmans, so i stopped by on my way home. it was sorta werid. they we just sitting there. then they we to subway. i had some jolt. in was up all night. when i came home from that, i actually sat down at my computer and talked online, i haven't done that in forever. well today is sunday. the last day. not sure yet what's going on. but i have to work later on. it was quite an eventful break, even though i didn't go anywhere. yupp.
Read 2 comments
that sounds like a pretty frickin sweet break! i'm glad i saw u for like 2 secs on saturday night! haha and also swweet deal on syracuse! ilu!
i'll be honest, i didn't read a word. lol i'm too ADD. but you told me mostly about it earlier and i have to say, it sounds quite awesome. have a super one, kay?

bye! love ya bunches!