wow i'm bored

Feeling: charmed
happy thanksgiving y'all. so as of right now i'm just bored. the fam isn't coming over til later and i am sick of writing college essays. but i have to get them done by monday. i still have a few days. so i've decided that i want to go see that harry potter movie. i keep hearing that it was good, and since i've read the books and it was my favorite, i might as well go see it. plus, it's supposed to be funny. we shall see. if anyone wants to go see that with me let me know. i'm thinking maybe tomorrow night or saturday. also, i'm sorta bummed that i have to go to the doctors next week to get blood work done. that's not even cool. so what am i thankful for this year? first off, i'm thankful i don't have to work. also dance, i don't know what i'd do if i couldn't dance. it is life. i'm thankful for my friends, even when we fight, and even during this current situation. all will be resolved eventually. i'm thankful for my health and for all the funny things in life. laughing is good. and apologlies, they make things much better. i am thankful for my mom, who has always been here for me, even when she had to deal with crap. and that's all i can currently think of. have a good holiday!
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i heart kristen michelle!!! and i hope ur thanksgiving was fantastic. but what is this situation that needs to be resolved? ok, well i'm gonna bizzounce! have a fantastic evening!