What's this button do?

my life story? don't be daft... amusing anecdotes? humourous stories? no - let's get this straight... this is just webspace, floating around on a server somewhere(the US i'm told) operated by someone with too much time and programming skills... it is not physical, it is less real than the monkey sitting on my shoulder. Despite advice from the more intelligent voices currently residing inside my head i have signed up for my own few kilobytes of "diary" and, if you have made it this far whilst retaining your sanity, i would simply like to ask - have you seriously nothing better to do? If the answer to the previous question is no, then please continue reading this collection of binary information cleverly arranged into what you are currenly reading and feel free to engage the monkey on my shoulder in conversation. If the answer to the question is yes, you have better things to do...so all you need to do is locate the 'x' in the top right hand corner of the screen (not a difficult task - although, if you're reading this, you obviously have some sort of disability) and click ONCE! Have a good life! a bientot
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