AHHHHH im tired

Feeling: torn
well i just got home and im tired out of my mind. goshhhh i had fun kinda i guess. im so full omg. i've been gone like all weekend and i need a shower. lol. heres what i did this weekend... friday- went to school, then went to the mall and ate ice cream (yummy) and then i went to shannons and stayed the night there. saturday-i woke up at like 10 then i went home at noon and took a shower and got dressed and then i left and went to camarillo to babysit for like 5 hours. then went back to shannons and stayed the night sunday(today)- i woke up and went to the city of angels (L.A>) with shannon to see her dad race in this thinger and then i like saw this totally awesome band play and like we got there like cd thing and it was cool then we drove home and ate at this really good italian food restraunt and like im sooo full still and now im here writing in this thing... yeah but anyways ill write more later maybe...<3
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