"The Bassoon Chicks, i feel a band coming on"

Feeling: blah
hahaha...lol ok that was funny. i just got home like and hour and a half ago and i decided to update...it might be kinda long so yeah w/e sucks for you. i honestly could care less if you read it or not. hmmm where to start... *ponders* New York: i guess ill start here since i haven't updated since then...well ok i went to new york. heres a summary; i didn't die (still not sure if thats a good or bad thing). i missed music, i cried the second day but the only person who knew was shannon, i missed my mom and glenn and kurt. should i stay or should i go was stuck in my head the WHOLE f-ing time. i danced everytime i heard any type of music, no matter how crappy it was. i bought a beatles shirt and its pink. i love it. hmmmm i saw a big statue. it was green. it had big fingers. it was a big wow for me. NOT. ummmm. i rode on a plane. twice. it was high up. i didnt have fun. really like no fun at all...the following thing is a big deal to some people, people unlike me
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Thursday(the day after i got home): I woke up, i was really shaky and had a terrible headache. it sucked. i went downtown with shannon, josh, and glenn. i was funny. josh found a vacumm and he cleaned up our town.lol ummmm we went to the pier and then to main street again and then ummm me and glenn went back down to the pier. there are some REALLY weird people at the pier. like really weird. ummm we saw a guy get mad at his fishing poles. he was drunk i think and he was drinking more. i laughed. then we saw a guy ride around in circles at the end of the pier. god some people have NO life. i thought mine was pretty dull until i saw that. ummmm then we went back and hung out at the park with shannon and josh. there was a homeless people convention. the bathrooms there are pretty we showed glenn and then realized there was someone else in the bathroom other than us so we pushed him out and shannon was like "that wasn't a guys voice" it was funny. umm then when shannon was on the phone with her mom me and glenn were like yeah and josh was like "god why don't you guys just have sex in the middle of the park" that didn't work out too well. ummmm oh josh is one funny guy he also said "god do you guys have like oxygen tanks for lungs or are you just whales" and ummm he said something else that was pretty odd but i don't really remember...then we went back to my house. it was a fun day Friday:hmmm well i woke up, was shaking once again and then ummmm i started to pack then glenn came over and we hung out for like 20minutes and it started to rain. i love the rain. then we went and saw sin city. all i really know about the movies is that there were hookers and a yellow guy and that the movie was violent. ummm then we went to java joes and i got coffe. there was a cool blues band playing and they were old and cool. then my mom came and picked us up and took glenn home. Saturday: i woke up. went to a baseball game. went to the mall and to camino real with glenn and then i went back to the mall, met shannon there and glenn left with greg, then we went to the underground to see a show. the show was ok. glenn was like really late but it was ok. it was funny. me and glenn were on one of the comfy chairs kissing and this guy was like "look at them look at them look at them look at them" and then like we stopped and i looked up and all these people were looking at us. it was soooo embarassing but it was funny. i laughed. then ummmmm yeah. Today: i woke up. shannons parents were having a meeting with these to business people. they were nice but really really funny like the kinda funny where they dont think they are funny but they are. we laughed at them as they left. i came home. i took a shower, and everyone else went to see a movie with ken (my moms new boyfriend) and his kids. i stayed home. i have to pack today. we have to be totally moved out in like three weeks. thats really soon. like wow. o o i decided today that every week im going to have a goal. this weeks goal: get shannon a purple tank top.
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