Today was just weird

Feeling: beat
Yeah.... so today was just weird... in all aspects... I started out the day being just, really upset, I mean, Josh wasn't at school and idk I just became a little weirded out. Then accusitions started to fly about how "emotional" everybody had been lately, and I started getting angry because nobody really seemed to give enough of a shit to listen or try to find out why everybody felt so awful.. that kindof got to me... Then, I really snapped walking to the store at break, Cait was in a rather bubbley mood, and pushed me into a snowbank, filling my shoe with slush. Any other day, I would've laughed right along, but it was just the straw that broke the camel's back. I lost it. So my shoe ended up in the parking lot, because when I'm really angry, I tend to throw stuff, so I walked with one shoe on to get it, and stormed off. I got back into the hall where our group hangs out, collected a few hugs, then went on a teary walk that lead me to feeling slightly better. Then, spanish cheered me up because the team I was on won a little game we played, and I got 100% on the quiz, always a bonus. But yeah... so somehow I ended the day feeling fairly good, except for english, of course, but, well, I always feel miserable in that class. Then at long last, the final bell rang and it was finally vacation. Cait and I drove over to Josh's house for a little visit, then she went home and I hung out with Colin, Will, and Dylan... well, more like watched them do bike stunts and stuff... Then Nick and Ian joined in, and I ended up feeling pretty happy, mostly because Colin was an idiot and left 2 black skidmarks down the middle of the hallway, that was entertaining. Then, everybody left, and while I waited for my mom, I had a chance to talk to Taylor, who I basically have hardly said "hi" to since High School started.. I'm not sure why, we used to be pretty close. So, yeah, a "mood swingy" day... but tomorrow I'm going to Bangor, and that's always good.
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