Weekends are really too short...

Listening to: Uhiki- Hardstone
Feeling: angsty
It's gotten kinda frustrating lately realizing how little time I really have in the 2 days that is the weekend. It's almost 2 o clock on sunday afternoon... and I still can think of about 100 things I need/want to do before tomorrow leads into another 5 days of the 'school, home, homework sleep routine'. This, and next weekend being the last 2 full weekends Ben and I will together until probably february... Between his ski meets, and leaving for South Carolina possibly before I am even out of school for the holidays... it's a bit of a rude awakening. So, to those of who who may be complaining that you don't see me much anymore... You'll survive until a few weekends from now. Today has just been one of those days so far when I am just in a generally pessimistic/negative attitude towards most people... especially the ones I talk to online. This whole AIM/Facebook thing is kindof sucking all the fun out of my life. It's disgusting to think about how much time I probably end up spending with my hands on this keyboard each day. It's sickening! It makes me jealous of how Ben grew up, TV-less, Internet-less, and Computer-less. He's such a better person for it. I've been slowly trying to break my horrible habits of the past, and it's proven relitvely easy. Once you can get past the neverending craving for whatever it was (in my case, soda, junkfood etc) It really just goes away.. which is good for me, as I haven't been nearly active enough lately... playing ultimate frisbee for 30 minutes 5 days a week isn't enough.. but I guarantee that, had I been eating the way I did last year, I'd be HUGE!!! AAAHHH!! I just hope facebook eventually ends up like myspace... just a slow fade into nothingness. Anyway... minor rant. Well, as I've just ranted about that.. I'm going to get off this stupid mind-suck of a computer and go do something productive with my day :) Ahh, inspiration at last!
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