x* Yay Me *x

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Feeling: eh
Hey.. well 2day didnt go as planned .. we had to have the dogs inside all day so i had 2 go 2 south park bc sum1 had 2 stay home with the dogs bc they couldnt go out in the back due to the cable man and the roof people.. so yeah maybe another time.. but me and my dad did go 2 south park and i got sum new lip rings and then we went to wal-mart and got sum movies and me n my dad watched 2 of them.. and theres one more that we will probly watch tomarrow.. and we got one for my mom... she doesnt like scary movies so we had 2 get her a different one lol.. i 4got 2 call Laura 2day like i told her i would.. <= whoops .. well im sure ill talk to her soon.. l8r xxMeghan♥!
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yea, even more now... freckin jeff decided to head but my mom... n she had to get stiches. sooo their gonna be devorcing. well read my entry.

gawd, i dont think i could have my dogs outside if had dogs... no matter their size n all.. O_0 much love, l8r.
yea, O_0. aw, thx much ^_- i did, very much so.