x*Yes Another*x

Full name: Meghan Rae Pulley Single or Taken: Single. Happy about that: Nope. Sex: Female. Siblings: 1 Brother. Eye color: Brown. Shoe size: 10-10.5 Height: Like 5'2' EEK! What are you wearing right now? Jeans and a Shirt. Where do you live: In the middle of nowhere. Righty or lefty: Righty. Can you make a dollar in change right now: Possibly. Can you break a 5: No. FAVORITES: Kind of pants: Jeans. Number: 3. Animal: Doggy or Kitty. Drink: Mountain Dew. Alcohol: I Don't Know. Sport: Don't have one. Month: Don't have one. Juice: Apple. Cartoon character: Umm.. Tinkerbell. :]]. HAVE YOU EVER.... Given anyone a bath: Nope. Bungee Jumped? Nope. Made yourself throwup? Nope. Eaten a hot dog? Yeah but eww. Loved someone so much it made you cry? Ehh. Broken a bone: Nope. Played truth or dare: Yeah. Been in a physical fight: Nope. Been in a police car: Nope. Been on a plane: Nope. Came close to dying: Nope. Been in a sauna: Nope. Been in a hot tub: Nope. Swam in the ocean: Yeah.. but I wouldn't say 'swam'. Fallen asleep in school: Yeah. Ran away: Nope. Broken someone's heart? Not that I'm aware of. Cried when someone died: Yes. Cried in school?: DUH. Fell off your chair: Yeah. Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call? Yeah but I eventually went to sleep. Saved AIM conversations? Yes. Saved e-mails: Nope. Made out with JUST a friend: Yeah. Used someone: Ehh Kinda. WHAT IS.... Your good luck charm? Don't have one. New fav. Song? Again don't have one. What is beside you? Lots of shit. Last thing you ate? Hot Pocket. what kind of shampoo do you use? V05 EVER HAD..... Chicken pox: Yeah. Sore Throat: Yeah. Stitches: Yeah. Broken nose: Nope. DO YOU.... Believe in love at first sight: Not love.. maybe lust. In long distance relationships: If you really care about someone and trust them then I think it could work. Like school: Ehh Sometimes. QUESTIONS: Who was the last person that called you? Mara. Who was the last person you slow danced with:? No One. Do you like filling these out: Gives me something to do. Do you wear contact lenses or glasses?: Nope. Do you like yourself: Not really. Do you get along with your family? For the most part. ARE YOU.... Obsessive Compulsive? Ehh.. just a tad sometimes. Suicidal? Nope. FINAL QUESTIONS.... What are you listening to right now?: The radio. What did you do yesterday?: Drove myself crazy. Hated someone in your family: No.. not HATED but strongly disliked. Gotten any awards?: Nope. What car/truck do you wish you had?: Doesn't matter. Where do you want to get married? I don't know. Good driver: I don't know. Good Singer: Hell no. Have a lava lamp: HAD. How many remote controls are in your house? Like 10. Are you double jointed? Nope. What do you dream about? Different things. When you last showered: Yesterday. Scary or Funny Movies: Depends. Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate. Rootbeer or Dr.Pepper: Doesn't matter. Skiing or Boarding: Neither. Summer or Winter? Winter. Silver or gold: Silver. Diamond or pearl Diamond I guess. Sprite or 7up: Sprite. Coffee or tea: Coffee. Phone or in person: In person. Are you oldest, middle, youngest: Youngest. Outdoors/indoors Both. TODAY DID YOU ...... 1. Talk to someone you like? Nope. 2. Buy something: Nope. 3. Get sick? Nope. 8. Talked to an ex: Nope. 9. Miss someone: Yes. LAST PERSON WHO... 10. Slept in your bed: Me. 11. Saw/heard you cry: Mara. 12. Made you cry: Lets not. 13. Went to the movies with: Chris and his mom. 14. You went to the mall with: Chris and his mom. 15. Said "I Love You" and meant it?: I'm not sure anymore. 16. Ever been in a fight with your pet?: Nope. 17. Been to Vegas? Nope. 18. Been to Mexico: Nope. 19. Been to Canada: Nope. 20. Been to Europe: Nope. RANDOM....... 21. Do you have a crush on someone right now: You could say that. 22. What book are you reading now: Swollen. 23. Best feeling in the world: Loving someone and knowing they feel the same. 24. Future KIDS names: No idea. 25. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: Nope. 26. What's under your bed: Letters and shoes. 27. Favorite sports to watch: None. 28. Favorite Locations: I don't know. 29. Piercing/Tattoos: Piercings: One in each ear and my lip.. hopefully more to come. Tattoos: None yet. 30. What are you most scared of right now: Not getting back what I want most. 31. Who do you really hate? No one. 32. Do you have a job: Nope. 33. Have you ever liked someone you didn't have a chance with: Yes. 34. Are you lonely right now Yes very much so. 35.Song that's stuck in your head right now? None. 36. Have you ever played strip poker: Yes. 37. Have you ever gotten beat up?: Nope. 38. Have you ever been on radio/TV: Nope. 39. Have you ever been in a mosh-pit: Nope. 40. Ever liked someone but thought they never noticed you?: Yes. RANDOM What color underwear are you wearing right now? Pink and Green. Whats the first things you notice about the opposite sex (visual)? Eyes,Hair,Smile. Your Favorite Food: Don't have one. Ever get so drunk you dont remember? Nope.
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