x*105 round 2*x

Listening to: Mixed CD
Feeling: needy
105 Things You Might Not Have Known About Me 1. EVER BEEN GIVEN AN ENGAGEMENT RING? Nope. 2. LONGEST RELATIONSHIP? Almost 3 months, gross. 3. LAST GIFT YOU RECEIVED? A dancing bunny and $100. 4. Ever dropped a cell phone? All the time. 5. WHEN'S THE LAST TIME YOU WORKED OUT? Pssh, like last month or the month before. Out of boredom. 6. THING(S) YOU SPEND A LOT OF MONEY ON? Mm, liprings. 7. LAST FOOD YOU ATE? Umm, a hotdog. 8. FIRST THING YOU NOTICE ABOUT THE OPPOSITE SEX? Eyes♥,Smile♥, and Hair♥. 9. ONE FAVORITE SONG: Don't have one right now. 10. WHERE DO YOU LIVE? City Point. 11 and 12??? 13. FAVORITE MALL STORE: Spencer's I guess. 14. LONGEST JOB YOU HAD: Uhhh, your mom. 15. DO YOU OWN A PAIR OF DICE? Yess. 16. DO YOU PRANK CALL PEOPLE? I have before but I don't normally. 18. FIRST FRIEND YOU'D CALL IF YOU WON THE LOTTERY: Uhh, I don't know. 19. LAST TIME YOU SAW YOUR BEST FRIEND(s): Today I saw two of them. 20. Best Movie? Mmm, not sure. 21. BIGGEST LIE YOU HAVE HEARD? Jumping out of a window and into a dumpster what the fuck. 22. EVER BEEN MARRIED? Umm, no. 23. WHERE'S YOUR FAVORITE PLACE TO EAT WITH FRIENDS? I don't know. 24. CAN YOU COOK? Yes. 25. WHAT CAR DO YOU DRIVE?: I don't drive yet. 26. BEST KISS? I don't know. 27. LAST TIME YOU CRIED?: Today. 28. MOST DISLIKED FOOD: Mm, alot.. I'm a picky eater. 29. THING YOU LIKE MOST ABOUT YOURSELF: Umm, I don't know. 30. THING YOU DISLIKE MOST ABOUT YOURSELF: I'm chubby ;[. 32. LONGEST SHIFT YOU HAVE WORKED AT A JOB?: Zero to Zero. Shit that was hard. 33. FAVORITE MOVIE? Not sure. 34. CAN YOU SING? Yes, just not good. 35. LAST CONCERT ATTENDED?: None. 36. LAST KISS? Last Tuesday. 37. LAST MOVIE RENTED? We don't rent movies. 38.ONE THING YOU NEVER LEAVE THE HOUSE WITHOUT: Cell phone. 39. FAVORITE VACATION SPOT?: Beach♥. 43. LAPTOP OR DESKTOP COMPUTER?: Desktop is fine but Laptop is portable so it wins lol. 44. FAVORITE COMEDIAN? Um, not sure. 45. DO YOU SMOKE? Sometimes. 46. SLEEP WITH OR WITHOUT CLOTHES? With unless it's superr hot. 47. WHO SLEEPS WITH YOU EVERY NIGHT?: No one. 48. DO LONG DISTANCE RELATIONSHIPS WORK?: Depends on the people and how much they care about each other. 49. HOW MANY TIMES HAVE YOU BEEN PULLED OVER BY THE COPS? Zero. 50. PANCAKES OR FRENCH TOAST? Pancakes. 51. DO YOU LIKE COFFEE?: No, I love Coffee!! 52. HOW DO YOU LIKE YOUR EGGS? Um, scrambled or fried. 53. DO YOU BELIEVE IN ASTROLOGY? Mm, I follow it sometimes. It's interesting. 54. LAST PERSON YOU TALKED TO ON THE PHONE?: Momom 55. LAST PERSON ON YOUR MISSED CALL LIST?: Daddy 56. WHAT WAS THE LAST TEXT MESSAGE YOU RECEIVED? 'Ugh grr' Rian was having issues lol. 58. NUMBER OF PILLOWS?: Two, I have to have two. 59. WHAT ARE YOU WEARING RIGHT NOW?: Ripped Jeans and My red shirt. 60. PICK A LYRIC, ANY LYRIC OR SONG?: 'This will be over soon, pour salt into the open wound.' Song thats on. 61. WHAT KIND OF JELLY DO YOU LIKE ON YOUR PB & J SANDWICH?: Grape. 62. CAN YOU PLAY POOL?: No, but I'm supposively supposed to be learning. 63. CAN YOU SWIM? Nope. 64. FAVORITE ICE CREAM? Java Chip, it is the sex. 65. LIKE MAPS?: Uhh sure. ♥MAP♥. 66. LIKE URSELF?: I guess. 67. WHO WAS YOUR LAST KISS? Billy.♥. 68. ARE YOU A CAMERA WHORE? Hell Yes. 69. ARE YOU ON AOL RIGHT NOW? Yeah. 70. LAST TIME YOU LAUGHED AT SOMETHING STUPID? Today. 71. WHAT TIME DID YOU WAKE UP THIS MORNING ? Like 9:30. 72. BEST THING ABOUT WINTER? It's not fucking hott. 73. LAST TIME A COP GAVE YOU A TICKET? Never. 75. NAME OF YOUR PET?: Ginger. 76. DO YOU THINK PIRATES ARE COOL OR OVERRATED?: I don't know, cool I guess. 77. WHAT ARE YOU DOING THIS WEEKEND? Umm, this weekend I'm supposed to go get a new computer, FINALLY! 78. WHAT DO YOU WANT TO BE? Umm, a cloud?? 85. ARE YOU ON A LAPTOP?: Nope. 87. ARE YOU SMILING?: Nope, I'm singing. 88. DO YOU HAVE ON EYELINER?: Yes, of course. 89. DO YOU MISS SOMEONE RIGHT NOW? Yeah. 90. IF YOU COULD GO ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD WHERE WOULD YOU GO? Uhh, to see your mom. 92. ARE YOU IN HIGH SCHOOL? Yes, it sucks. 93. DO YOU HAVE A CRUSH?: Sure do. 94. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE NAME? Uhh, not sure. 95. WHAT COLOR IS YOUR BATHING SUIT? Black, it's sexy. 96. DOES YOUR SCHOOL START IN AUGUST? Nope, yay. 97. DID YOU GO ON VACATION LAST MONTH?: Nope, it was cold. 98. HAVE YOU EVER BEEN ON A CRUISE?: Nope. 99. DO YOU HAVE A SISTER? No thankyou. 100. ARE YOU UPSTAIRS: Nope. 101. NAME AN OBSESSION: Music. 102. HAVE YOU EVER BEEN IN THE HOSPITAL? Mm, nope. 103. DO YOU WISH YOU COULD SEE ANYONE PARTICULAR RIGHT NOW?: Yes. 104. WHAT JEWELRY ARE YOU WEARING? Lipring, earings, rings, necklaces, and braclets. 105. WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO AFTER THIS SURVEY? Rian's pictures.
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