x* 181 [again] *x

[1] What did you want to be when you were younger? I was never sure [2] What's your favorite type of music? Rock then its country [3] What do you spend most your time doing? Umm hanging out with friends, watching tv, getting online, and talking on the phone [4] Would you rather stay at home or go out? Depends how im feeling then [5] What is your favorite 'fast food' restaurant? Idk [6] What is your favorite restaurant? Idk [7] Are you a farmer? No [8] If you could marry anyone who would it be? Umm.. Idk [9] How much do you think about the oppisite sex? If you mean a specific one then kinda alot lol [10] What's your favorite toothpaste? Colgate or Crest [11] What kind of grades do you make? Not very great ones [12] If you could go anywhere where would you go? Umm.. idk [13] How many people do you live with? 3 other than myself [14] What is your favorite sport? Don't really have one [15] How many kids do you want? Two [16] What would you name them? No idea [17] What color lipgloss/lipstick do you usually wear? Clear as long as it smells good [18] Coke or Pepsi? Pepsi [19] What's the last thing you bought from a Pharmacy? Hell if I know [20] Have you ever been in a wreck? Yes [21] When do you usually go to bed? Whenver [22] Whats the worst thing you ever did? Changing the way I did [23] Do you attend church? Nope [24] How many friends do you have? A handful of good ones and alot of friends [25] What's your greatest accomplishment? Changing back into ME [26] What do you plan to be when you're older? I still have no clue [27] What's your favorite PJ's? Just a shirt and my black shorts [28] What's your favorite thing to do? Idk.. just hang out with people I guess [29] What color hair do you have? My roots are like light brown/blonde-ish and the rest is brown [30] Do you sing well? Nope [31] Have you ever been in love? Nope.. can't say that I have [32] Would you eat a cochroach for £500? Hell no [33] Are you afraid of the dark? Not afraid [34] Are you bored? Yeah kinda [35] Where's the last place you've been? Mara's but more specifically the dining room [36] Do you wear a lot of black? I guess to some people [37] Do you get along with your parents? For the most part [38] Would you consider yourself 'popular'? Nope [39] Do you live in the country, burbs, or city? City [40] Most painful experience? Being so incredibly blind and stupid [41] Most happy experience? Getting back to being my old self and not caring anymore [42] Have you ever been stalked? Not to my knowledge [43] Have you ever egged a house? Nope [44] Do you go hunting (deer,duck,etc)? No [45] Do you support PETA? Idk.. I guess [46] Do people think you're crazy? Someone probly does [47] How many people on your buddylist? 40 [48] NHL or NFL: Don't care [49] Do you ever scream into a pillow? I can't say that I have in a long time [50] Have you ever drowned a fish? Umm.. no? [51] How many songs do you know all the words to? A few [52] Do you listen to The Beatles? Nope [53] Do you listen to Eminem? Not really [54] Do you know anyone who thinks they're Eminem? Nope can't say that I do [55] Do you read books often? Ehh.. every once and a while [56] Do you strive to fit in? No [57] Fave gum? Spearmint :] it makes me happy lol [58] Do you snore? Idk maybe [59] Are you afraid of thunderstorms? Nope.. I used to be but I effin Love them now [168] Do you blow dry your hair? No.. but I did the other day for some odd reason. [169] What do you sleep in? Shorts and a Shirt [170] What's the last book you've read? Umm.. Im still in the process of finishing 'Swollen' [171] Britney Spears or Christina Aguilera? Neither [172] Spiderman or Dare Devil? Idk and nor do I care [173] Have you ever broken a bone? Nope [174] Shower or Bath? Shower .. I don't have a bathtub [175] Do you have any cavities? Probly [176] Have you ever wore braces? Nope [177] What do you live in? A house!! [178] Would you choose true love or to be rich? True Love♥ [179] Do you have Cable? Yeah [180] Do you play any computer games? Not really [181] How long did it take you to finish this? 8 minutes
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