[14] but since you been gone... i can breathe

Muah... You know u love me! Well all had sum hella fun last night! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo Haha... and i took a Quiz today... Take the quiz: "Which Laguna Beach Character are You?"

You're Hot and like to party!!! Ms. Popular! Why have one boy when there are plenty to go around!? Plus you don't want anyone to tie you down when you're just trying to have fun.
Read 12 comments
omg I know what u mean the sets were so bad it wasnt funny lol and there hair omg what was with their hair lol

ttyl hun

they would probably laugh and point lol
yeah we should lol omg my backround got earased somewho and now i canot get it back grrrrrrrrrr
me 2 :-)
sry.. that was me that said me 2. lol. i hit anonymous note.. lol. sry..

no im totally serious;) u into it?
haha thanks ;) lol
Thanks, I liked it alot myself... I finally decided to add a background and junk to my thingie.. So glad you liked it! =^D
- Charlie "Charliechaz"
lol. thankz.
hey babe! missed you today! anyway,, have fun, later hun!
thanks, youre page is pretty boss too.
fucking right i was there for that pic! know who i am yet?