[24] Tell me again that we'll be lovers and friend
Listening to: 50 Cent - Candyshop
Feeling: indifferent
I hate another one of those war dreams last nite, where i wake up just as im being shot... they are so scary lol! Last nite at D-Hos was freakin hilarious, but good times! like a part of me really misses my outgoing party side, but the rest of me doesnt want that life back! idk its hard to explain! every so often i just need to remind myself that its not worth fake friends and a stuck up life style! i think i'll keep that way i am now... nd even if i dont party as much and prby dont deserve my homecoming queen title anymore... i prby have more fun now and better friends! i still love my old boys tho! muah!
Read 34 comments
thanks for the html help
cool. i spent tuesday in london. it killed me!!!
: P
Not many people have heard me play or sing. I don't really play music, just my guitar, so yeah lol. As for what kind of music I like, well I like anything, I'm not picky! lol. If you want to talk you can add me to aim or msn. msn is teh_r0x0rz@hotmail.com and my aim is cptH0nd0 sooo yeah. I can send you my song if you really wanna hear it. lol
you should be. london is very very cool. you should go to hammersmith while you're there.
: P
haha, alright. Well I have to go for a bit, so I'll add you next time i'm on my computer.
thanks for the comment :)
hammersmith is where all the bands play. especially at the apollo. judas priest is playing in march.
: P
lol i love sublime!
my favorite song by them is probably Date Rape lol, its so much fun to sing...not a great message song lol, but hey, they DO say "it does not pay to be drunk and horny"
Alrighty. If you want to email me, it's cpt.hondo@gmail.com
You should try tabs. They're pretty easy to pick up on. Go to www.mxtabs.net so get some. They pretty much have any song you can think of. They're pretty straight forward, just string and fret. Each number represents the fret. Well you'll see. But yeah, I kinda get nervous about singing in front of people. DJ'ing and being MC is fine, but singing, i'm kinda freaked out about it. lol. I've recorded one song, which I did in my basement. lol
The Used were fucking awesome last night.
And it was Berts birthday
So he was being like 50 times more insane.
Wow I love them. haha


ttyl :)
i want a war dream!! ive never had one where i got shot or anything...seems fun lol
sublime is freakin awesome...i really wanna go see em in concert lol
it has been WAY too long, dude!
what u been up to?
lol but ive never had one!! i really want one now lol

hahaha watch me have one one day and be like "WTF why did i ever want one?!" hahaha
i love having scary dreams though. i dont know why lol, cuz afterwards im wicked paranoid and freaked out cuz my room is completely pitch black when i sleep, and after a scary dream i cant see anything so my mind makes up these figures and such
haha wow im weird
oh thanks! i changed it though again. :) i like your background. gwen rocks! :D
you're a cutie! Kisses!
well i can just catch a train to see my laura if i want to. it's only about an hour. go go public transport!!
: P
my baby's coming to see me over easter. she's gonna stay with me for a few nights. *sigh*
: P
thanks :)
k that was a pointless comment
ah wel
how far away from you does your brian live? my laura lives a three hour drive away.
: P
neither of us can drive. driving doesn't interest me. and we both still live with our parents. so, it's a really yukky situation. i miss her so much.
: P
yea it gets so frusterating to want to find good in people and try to trust them and then just be let down simply because they like to gossip. kinda sucks. its ok though..ive got some really great friends who are there for me too. thanks for the comment!
Awww first, thank-you for the comment.

SECOND, I had a crazy war dream last night too! I ended up swimming away from machine gun fire? It was pretty nifty and sure-as-hell scary.

If thats you in the top_left then i absolutely LOVE your hairstyle!

Last night was totally crazy! It went so well with the crowd yelling and bouncing around, and we bought glowsticks and threw them out at them and everything!!!! I'm just about to write about it, so check back in a bit and you'll get to hear about everything that happened! lol
do you and brian drive? wow, it really sucks not to be with them, doesn't it?
: P
awesome led zeppelin does rock my socks.. :)
i don't live in a very nice place though.
: P
oh! i live in the most yobbish part of england, reading. it's filthy, scummy and boring.
: P
Ok, last nights show is up! Go check it out if you want, it was hella fun!
Nope. Well sorta. I'm in the crew with the DJ's. I spin some stuff now and then.
no way. i envy you. most of england is pretty shitty.
: P
I sing too sorta. I play guitar and write music and songs, but I don't do it for anything, just for myself. I havn't sang anything live or anything, lol.
what part of england are you going to? don't go to reading, for god's sake!! go to warwickshire.
: P