what did I expect?

Feeling: foolish
So for the past 3 hours, I've been waiting to talk to Tomas. He was supposed to get off work at 9... but I figured he was gonna have to wait till 11 to get off cause the guy he works with didn't show up today. So...I didn't call him till 12... Great idea that was. He is at Josh's place with a bunch of guys and he's gonna go to Wolff's in a little bit. I've been trying so hard not to be so clingy with him- I've been letting him do whatever he wants and I've been pretending that I don't care or miss him...I think I only pretend not to because I know he doesn't miss me. But tonight just sucked. I feel so stupid, I sit around waiting for him and thinking that he misses me but he doesn't. He acts like I've taken him away from his friends... which is bullshit, during school i only saw him once or twice each week. That's at least 5 days to piss away with his friends. It's as if hanging out with me has become a duty he has to go through with now, like.. he doesn't want to see me but he HAS to. I don't want to sound like a psycho-control freak or anything but... he doesn't act like he misses me anymore and it just kinda hurts I guess. Yeah. I'm done.
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