I've just taught my little sister, the truffle shuffle.

Feeling: cold
So I've been having some pretty crazy dreams lately. I won't even get started on them... they weird me out. You know what I hate? People that think I'm friends with them. For instance... there's this girl that moved away from my town and we have each other added on myspace. She seems to think we're buddies, even though she never spoke a word to me while she lived here and still doesn't talk to me... even on myspace. Anyways, I was at the movies yesterday and she was there and she was staring me down hardcore... like she wanted me to wave or something. I didn't though... I basically glanced at her and went to another room. I expect she later complained to her friends about how much of a bitch I am for dissing her like that. Pfft. Moral of the story: If you want me to wave.. it'd be a good idea to wave to me first. Staring at someone for 10 minutes isn't cool... it's more along the lines of creepy. -------------------------------------------------- Yes, so anyways... tomorrow is Warped Tour San Antonio. I'm getting up at 5 am to go wait in line for a few hours. Yay...? Ha..haha... yeah so anyone else going to that one?
If I could sleep forever... would you still be in my . D R E A M S . ?
Read 6 comments
people like that suck. a lot.
Yeah, that's something I'd do. Just look and be like, "Okay, now that we both acknowledge each other, now what?"
Yeah, I changed a couple of things. =) Thanks for noticing. I think I'm going to change the name of my diary again, though. I'm still not content..actually, that just gave me an idea..haha. But yeah, you were right to not wave. Hell, she saw you first!
i dont think i woulda waved either. i probably woulda been more of a bitch and been like, what r u starin at?!
yeah so anyways...i think as far as the whole bf thing goes, we're probably on the exact same page.
Okay, I have no clue if you're interested but I've made a diary called: Slambook. Anyways, I'm looking for people to start it with me. Like a Slambook, lol. (I hope you know what I mean). Anyways, if you're interested, just leave me a comment on this diary or the new one.
Okay, great.
The PW is: friends.
*easy pw* lol.
I just read the title of that. What's the truffle shuffle? Hmm..makes me think.
Oh, and the slam book is ready for you to make your own entry. We're really fillin out a pointless survey. So yeah, after everyone feels it in we'll go onto the stupid and better entries. lol.