
Feeling: bored
being bored is way uncool. i'm sitting here.... freezing... drinking pink lemonade and eating candy. i decided not to get xanga... mainly because i like the way my sitdiary looks and i know how to make it pretty and such... & i don't want to learn a whole new thing.. yeah anyways, monday. i went to rachels, took lots and lots of pictures. very fun time... i love hanging w/ her she makes me feel like a little kid again. that's a good feeling haha. tuesday. went to corpus with tomas. we went to the mall, best buy, and i went to the dentist with him. oh, the excitement. ehh i didn't buy anything... i regret not getting the new all american rejects CD... catchy as hell, and hell is pretty catchy. today...! tomas came over. watched volcano high. hung out with katti and her new lovey. made multiple trips to dairy queen... yes. my life is filled with wonder and excitement. ehh.
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yep thats the movie with natilie portman and your welcome for the coment ttyl hun :)