Ah, I like him all so much. we went to star bucks and got coffee, which was good, amazing. We both got the same thing, cuz its both of our fav's how insane is that? caramel frappachino, yummm we sat and talked, it was funny. Everytime he looked at me, he would smile and look the other way. we talked about everything, he is amazing. then we went to his house, and went for a walk, a long walk, i got to hold his hand too, which was great. ah im so happy. when he took me home, my mom was outside lol, she was getting her last chance of looking at everything, cuz today, she had to go to the eye docter and they had to blind her, its only temporary, thank god, her eyes are scary looking, they are pretty much all black, aaah, she saw me give him a hug good bye, and i had never told her about him, i was gonna of course. so once he left she was like...whos that? so i told her, all she said was, dont be making me a grand mother!!! i laughed so hard hes in collage, i dont think she is too happy about that, since im a freshman in highschool haha. oh welllll she will get used to it, cuz i really like this boy. well i have to be going, gonna play the piano and probably take a nap. aRRRRRR
Read 5 comments
Aww whatta cute story...i love it! Oh and what grade is Freshman? in Canada we don't really use that so I always forget...
:O you play the piano?! so do i! and wow your so much like me.
ahh, your hot if that is you. i am sorry if you dont like gay guys but yeah. i think you are hot.
oh, either way he is hott. like my feiance. oh my god he almost looks alike but my guy has a mohawk.
oh, either way he is hott. like my feiance. oh my god he almost looks alike but my guy has a mohawk.