*Pin the Tail on the Donkey*

[UNDER.CONSTRUCTION] but it's about how i feel...sometimes i feel left behind and just..stupid: These obstacles rest before me, intoxicating my corridor Each hit I take I am paralyzed This murky cave isn't incinerating the light Isn't escorting me to the road I need to take Something's holding me back, from the direction I need to go Misery overcomes me and knocks me down Left behind, transforming me into a loner This game life thinks is entertaining and amusing Is the game us dolls of the universe despise and hate Ghosts pin me down on the cold hard floor Razor-sharp rocks wounding my back as I plunge onto them I am laughed at for my stupidity and feel pity for myself Oh how others think this game is a piece of cake, and not to mention fun I feel as if I am the slave and life has the whip to control me This fucking game has never been of vast hilarity My bones are fragile, such as a mirror They shatter the moment they collide with the floor So what's life like screaming on the ground for all eternity? Unable to stand up on your feet to prove you're strong Leaves were destined to fall, but I'm diverse But how come we contain so much in common? ♥ xoxo brI
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That's basically how i've been feeling this week...reading this..and seeing how i feel...i'm inspired to try once more...to write...

Much ♥