*Your Pot of Gold is at the End of that Rainbow*

The clouds are twisting and turning as I try to stand on my two feet, attempting to touch it I'm falling with every step I take, every life I stake The rainbow is like a never-ending river, going on and on forever Just in reach, beyond the horizon, lie the bucket of sparkles Reaching out once again, I see it so clearly but then it's again it's still so far away The gravity is pulling me down calling out threats and throwing their tomatoes Sweet tomatoes they taste so good But sting every moment they strike my sensative shell Incinerating the flesh off my skull, creating it harder to walk the colors of the sky Pretty colorful clouds, make me a road so I can step and fall through the atmosphere An evil grin spreads across the cloud's faces as they watch me fall to my doom Ker-Splat! Whole body's shattered, but I don't care The cemetery gates are all that stand between us I'll break through those without a sweat It's so much fun to watch them crumble Chemical weathering, or a use of my pistol will teach those a lesson of mercy Well I'm back up on my own, hoping there's no other thing to pull me back by my chains with a five ton ball hooked to my foot Magically a card of spades falls from the sky Slicing the chains that hooked me and the ground together Now I'm up again, the road again clear of all obstacles and I fly to it Flying as free as a bird soaring The toast is done, the tea is served And I have escaped the great hardships Now I'm out of this sticky gum And my teacher has just given me a week of detention for daydreaming in class once again -lol, yeah me and sam wrote this together...she would write a line, then i would write a line and so on it's basically about how you need to ignore everything that's in your way of achieving what you truly want :-) even tho all of our songs sound bizarre and make no sense at all, they ALL have a special purpose for being written ok well bye bye! ♥ xoxo brI
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