emy's bday!

Feeling: whimsical
hey! wow it is definetly POURING OUT. im drenched. so yeah last night i stayed at home and then emily came over and we studied for science so then this morning the bus came like 5 minutes early cuz we had a substitute bus driver..psh..ever heard of one of those!? HA yeah. then umm i sat boredily on the bus and then i guess emily missed it cuz she wasnt on it so i was dying of boredom. then i took the science test..not too bad..then spanish was food day YAY and alfonzo was being funny again! haha. then i went to mrs brooks. GOD she made us take a to kill a mockingbird retake. even harder than the first one and the first one most of the class failed! i got an 87! i hate that im not in her honors class..emily has her for honors and they do the EXACT same thing but get credit for an honors class! NO FAIR! goshhhh.. i mean our test was the honors test so it was muy dificil. then umm it was pouring so she let us go a couple minutes early if we were done and so me and colleen like RAN man my shoes are so wet then i saw alex when i was at my locker and he was like is max sitting with yall at lunch and im like humm i donno! come sit with us! and so then alex, max and taylor (i think thats his name) sat with us and geez max just took everyones water bottle and did something to it so that it like shot out. alex looked kinda scared! hah! yeah then umm here i am in computer class and since we dont have school after today we arnt doing A THING. like im bored out of my mind. yeah this is definetly the longest entry ive ever done! lol luv ya! --rachael
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rachaels a loser that likes llamas