thusday in web design!

Feeling: torn
HEYY!!!! nicole would like to say hey. haha. shes a hoot.

so, as of now in the day, nothing has happened except i got a crap load of math homework this sucks that i cant read laurens until the day after! haha well we made this powerpoint about ourselves, pah, oh so fun, nicoles is frekin hilarious she has this tennis guy and she drew a motion path so he like runs around! its hilarious, haha weve been mean, when i walk in the room emily is sitting with natalie so i sit over here with nicole, ahha so emily moves and now natalie is by herself,,so mean, so funny, well im gonna tell emily to read this while i do my math homework, this weekend im with my dad, uhm, might go to a basketball game, saturday i was invited to vickys party and yeah thats about it, and i cant decide if im going to winterfest! well chow peeps

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ooh sure u werent!
heyheyhey, la tonight? XOXOOXOXOOXO -L-
haha, thats so funny..about natalie lol...well anywho i love you H L! <--new nick name for you cuz the H kinda sounds like rach..maybe not, lol..ok scratch that--well im gunna out, later dude!
aww. i really like ur background!
u better go to winterfest