
Feeling: accomplished
im so proud of myself, i made a decent icon. please contain your excitement. theres a [Hawthorne Heights] show on the 26th. (they're featured on disc 2 of the new Taking Back Sunday CD) i would give my two front teeth to attend. damn school. well, i am tired. i've been a corporate slave all week. later. x3
Read 13 comments
I can't contain the excitement, there's just too much of it. That icon looks so kissable, I'm getting rather close to my screen. Uh-Oh.

Yes, if by some chance my Mother lets me attend the concert on a school night, I will buy you shitloads of merchandise. We'll talk her into it Sunday! Oh yes, and if she asks about Andy, he's a nice guy. *Wink*

*Contains excitement*

Wow, its pretty good.
cute name
yep. i was a dedicated angel fan. buffy i never got REALLY into. but i watched every now and then. how bout you?
huh? lol why do you say that?
hey i like your layout
To bad they ended both series. i know that they repeat them but i miss just having new stuff. You know what i mean?
how did you get your background on here?! im rlly confused lol ~chloe
Well I was being sarcastic about containing excitement.

But the icon is pretty damn good. I like it.
actually it was just a good picture and it happened to be him but hey if u think so thats great
Yeahh. Xtina's my hero. :)

I personally didn't make the top left. I'm not that creative. haa.
well i didnt make that icon
but i have the capacity to
hawthorne heights is good they played here a couple of times at a loacl place they seem like very neat guys and very kind.
p.s i love your layout