
it.s been a while, i simply haven.t felt like writing. i need a new pair of shoes. TOP 5 FAVE BANDS! #1 // Brand New #2 // Thrice #3 // The Ataris #4 // The Wallflowers #5 // Audioslave these individuals are each the epitome of awesome. *applause* ♥pinktoenailstoxicmonkey666 guntomyhead | csquared | ffffalling23 | punkrocker | esther | thrice | korex | deadpoetic | pinacolada0029 | live2love it.s 2:30 AM. school is going to be one big blur tomorrow.
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get the asics!!
im getting asics

Lolz. i can only see myself wearing the first, adn the last pair of shoes. Awsome to know ya got
taste, though.
Vienna. xoxoxo
THEy 're black and mmm..some poopy dark green i believe.im getting them some


i think :)
i feel completely awesome.
imho, u shld get the first pair of shoes. they're the supercoolset of all of them hehe.
i like those shoes and those bands are all awesome!

Audioslave..nice. How come I didn't get a mention Sunni?
aww yay! the wallflowers are beautiful music great chose.
hahah ohh ok i feel like such an idiot. ya chris cornell is the shit. teenage shoes turn me on....you rock.
i think you should go for the third pare anyways thanks im not sure how i didnt what i did i was just studying the html code i have and figured things out about them. and about photoshop its nothing i just downloaded some cool paint brushes off of this one site so you own on photoshop not me
Kickass shoes. I need new ones too, I'm just too lazy to get off my ass and get them.